Check out a regular day video how does the day of the worlds tallest living man on earth goes. As to date Ultan Kösen from Turkey, holds the record for tallest living man. He was born December 10, 1982 and he measured 251 cm (8 ft 3 in) in Ankara, Turkey, last Feb 8 2011.
For a trivia there were only 10 recorded men that grow higher than 8 feet .
He also has “The Best “ record in hand span and feet . Ultan Kosen is a Farmer he was not able to finish his studies , he has 3 sisters and 1 brother . Despite of his tremendous height he never expected to be written in Guiness World records 2013.
As a regular man he loves music , listening to radio, playing computer games, and watching movie he hardly find time to fit in a regular size car. Kindly watch this video for his regular day routine.
Video source: http://www.guinnessworldrecords.com/world-records/size/tallest-man-living
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